The Confident 🚲Commuter Course

with Chris Ridgeway

This is your year!

Start your journey from nervous to confident! 🚲




Work at your own pace to alternate learning video lessons and riding assignments to increase your comfort and confidence!


I keep making more videos so the number increases! But each one is a custom lesson focusing on one key aspect of biking in the city


I ride actual Chicago streets wearing a camera to show you exactly what I'm seeing! I don't know of anyone else doing this to help city cylicsts learn.


Buy now and do it later, or want to revisit lessons in the future!


Helping you get yourself ready.


New seasonal videos that address issues with biking in year-round weather and new topics as they come up!



LIMITED TIME! Ask your own questions for Chris and get personal video interaction via VideoAsk!



Limited Time

☀️ Huge Mid-Summer 2024 Discount! ☀️

Use Code: SUMMER24


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I'm that guy who rode a bike when I was a kid but am pretty hesitant to get out in the city. Chris knows what he's doing!

— Hal K

Chris led our group bike ride from Chicago to Indiana and back—from the route to how he kept with all levels of riders—it was the best!

— Morgan L


You shouldn't have to take a risk. So I think it's only decent to offer a money-back guarantee.

If for any reason in the first 30 days you think: this isn't for me!

Or you find out I'm a big liar and I only ride tricycles.

Or you don't like my bad jokes. Whatever the reason—all you need to do is send me an email and I will issue a refund.

But I honestly think you're going to love it. If you're ready to go, I'm ready to coach you.

Is the course for work commuters or any situation?

This course covers everything you need to think about using your bike in daily city routine—no traditional work commute required.

We definitely cover all topics for work commuters who want to reconsider driving or taking the train to work every day, and are hoping to switch to a healthier commute habit. I include route examples that are common in Chicago, such as biking to and from the Loop, and questions that many commuters have, such as how to deal with sweat if they also need to be dressed for work.

But personally, I have also worked remotely for years (and we all know this is changing for many of us), and much of my personal city cycling is not going to an office, but to a coffee shop, or running to the FedEx store or dropping by Aldi, or out to see friends at a bar.

Who is Chris?

I'm just a guy who started bike commuting in the city years ago—and now I love it and want to teach others. I've gotten involved in bike advocacy, including attending the Mayor's Bike Advisory council and events with ActiveTrans to promote safe city cyling.

Each summer I also lead a "bike ride to Indiana" where I'm plan a route to a brewery and back. I'm a pretty good bike commuter and know Chicago streets fairly well, but I'm always learning, so I welcome tips from other experienced cyclists! I tend to make new videos when I learn more!

I have a backround in marketing, technology, content creation, business consulting, and writing... so it made some sense to create a course out of my hobby. I did all the work myself!

Other fun facts: I have a masters degree in theology (yes) and I'm Yelp 'Elite' reviewer (read: nerd) so I love writing reviews to support local Chicago business.

Can I do a in-person ride with you?

Yes, I do have a special offer for this as an upgrade to the online coaching course. I will ride with you personally on your work commute or neighborhood route and talk you through specific intersections and issues.

I only have limited available times to do this for a select number of folks, but you can contact me at and I'll send you my current booking options and how we set it up.

Do I need a bike to do the course?

You really do need a bike to complete this course. But you can begin the course without one!

You could watch each video lesson without a bike and just think about it, but I think the power of jumping into my course is not just the knowledge and experience I'm sharing, but also the coaching I provide while you make the investment to make the change to regular city cyling. Success for this really is up to you.

The video lessons include coaching topics such as confidence, planning, and assignments to move to progressively more advanced rides. It's really not possible to follow along past Module 2 without a bike 🚲 .

If you get course access right now, you can watch through Module 1 + Module 2 to give my advice on buying or borrowing a bike or choosing bikeshare (I have an entire video just on the bikeshare decision).

And then you'll still have a full year of access to walk through the rest of the modules when you've got your bike or bikeshare access.

Do I have to live in Chicago?

You can get huge benefit from the Confident Commuter course even if you do not live in Chicago. While my examples and video footage mostly come from Chicago streets where I regularly bike, I do throw in some items from other places I've biked like Washington DC or New York City. And with the exception of two lessons, things are nearly universally applicable to city bike commuting in the US. You can still learn to become a confident city cyclist with this course.

I've been considering expanding my course to other cities in the future, so if you want to invite me to create a custom version for your city, you should drop me a note at and let me know!

Do you offer a student discount?

Yes! Years ago I was a grad student in the city of Chicago, and I regret I got on my bike very rarely because i wasn't very confident. I missed out! It would have a healthier, cheaper option perfect for my low income student life. Head to my student discount page, which will get you access to the course after you verify your fulltime student status with an .edu account and student ID.

Do you offer an equity discount?

Yes! Equity in our city is important to me, and income can vary dramatically. I am contributing a portion of funds received from regular course members to supplement heavily discounted access for those who need. City biking should be for everyone! The equity discount is available to anyone who qualifies and verifies a membership with Chicago's Divvy for Everyone program.

Are you scammy?


Thank you for asking. 🙂

How do I ask more questions / verify that you are cool?

Send me an email at and I really will reply personally (though be patient—may take me a minute!)

I may or may not be cool.

The Value Calculation

Is switching to city cyling worth it?



$ 1,005/month

  • $50 gym membership
  • $200 fitness trainer
  • $75 parking spot
  • $80 fees + tickets
  • $50 gas*
  • $400 car payment or $110 CTA pass
  • $80 insurance

* Probably ever higher right now!


When I was driving all over the city, I barely noticed how much I was spending, but it's so much.

Parking spot rental.

Which isn't the same as street parking fees.

Or city fees.

Or higher insurance in the city.

And gas has gone sky-high. ⛽️

Cycling in daily life 🚲 naturally incorporates transportation + personal fitness.

Why spend so much extra money and time on fitness classes when you can get the same benefit from a functional, healthy lifestyle?

Not everyone will completely get rid of their car: but in Chicago—you really could. There goes circling the block, monthly insurance you never use, and that car payment!

Full Table of Contents

Every Lesson Included In The Confident Cyclist Course

Module 1 Getting Started and Getting Motivated

  • Meet Chris!
  • How This Course Works
  • 8 Reasons Why You Should Be Biking in Your City
  • Why Bike in Chicago?
  • The Number One Reason I Was Nervous on a Bike
  • How to Ask Me Questions

Module 2 — Decisions As You Get Started

  • Confidence: Drivers Ed
  • Divvy Or Your Own Bike?
  • Types of Bikes for the City
  • Getting a Lock (Locks Part I)
  • Adjusting Your Seat Height
  • How to Spot Newbie Bikers

Module 3 — Essential

  • Trusting Yourself
  • Your Home Routine
  • Put Lights On Your Bike!
  • Locking Your Bike Out There (Locks Part II)
  • But I Get Sweaty!
  • Safety Top 3

Module 4 — City Biking 101

  • How to Plan Your Route
  • Rules of the Road for Bikes
  • Hand Signals Aren't Weird
  • All About Bike Lanes
  • How to Turn Left
  • Let's Go! Quiet Street Ride

Module 5 — 200 Level City Biking

  • Unconscious Competence
  • Passing
  • When I Go Through Stop Signs and When I Don't
  • Chicago Streets You Should Avoid (I do)
  • Don't Get Doored
  • Carrying Stuff on Your Bike
  • Let's Go: Bike Lane Street Ride

Module 6 — Intermediate 301 Level

  • How I Mount a Bike
  • Ubers are the Worst
  • Gravel & Grooves
  • Take The Lane
  • All About the Lakefront Trail
  • Let's Go: The Lakefront Trail

Module 7 — Advanced 400 Level

  • Let's Go! Busy Street Ride
  • Let's Go! Practice Commute
  • Taking Your Bike on the Train or the Bus
  • Approaching a Yellow Light
  • Getting a Jump on the Red
  • Blocked Bike Lanes

Module 8 — Advanced 400 Level

  • Bikes and Stairs
  • Watch that City Bus
  • Avoiding the Right Hook
  • You Got a Flat!
  • Ride Along!
  • Riding In Groups

Bonus Lessons!

  • Seasonal lessons
  • Other videos as I create them due to popular demand!

© Chris Ridgeway, LLC

All rights reserved | Terms & Conditions

☀️ 🚴 Happy MID-SUMMER Course Sale! 🚴☀️

This is your moment! Limited time discount for BikeMy.City Chicago course using code: SUMMER24